If you have a retail outlet, office building, industrial park, or another commercial facility, you should consider the use of epoxy floors. You may wonder what commercial epoxy flooring is? It is also known as black polyurethane. It is a relatively new flooring material that has been around for about 20 years or so. One of the main reasons it has become popular is that it is strong, durable, slip-resistant, and inexpensive. There are many types of commercial epoxy floors available to meet all of your flooring needs.

Do you have concrete floors in your commercial kitchen or bathrooms? Are you looking for a cheap, low-maintenance option to keep your floor clean and safe for eating? Are you worried about food and drink damage? If so, then commercial epoxy floors may be a great solution. Consider these important factors regarding epoxy floor coatings:

Wet Mopping

Here’s an example of why it is important to have proper protection measures in place for liquids. A wet mopping system involves spraying water on the floor in order to remove surface moisture and absorb any liquid spills before they can seep into cracks and gaps. Epoxy surfaces do not dry out as concrete floors do after years of use, so there is no need to worry about cracks. The epoxy floor will quickly deter any spills from absorbing into the surface. If you have a problem with spills, epoxy surfaces offer excellent protection against them.

Concrete Floor Coatings

If you are looking for an affordable and reliable flooring solution that can be installed by most home improvement experts, then concrete floor coatings might be perfect for your business. The concrete coating acts as a barrier against moisture and acts as a sound absorption shield.

Foot Traffic

Just like with other types of epoxy flooring, commercial epoxy floors may be ideal for industrial settings because of the reduced amount of foot traffic that can cause more wear and tear on the flooring. These floors are less likely to be damaged during heavy equipment use, which means that operators will spend less time repairing damage and more time doing their jobs. Epoxy floors may also help reduce noise pollution in a commercial space. These floors may be especially beneficial if you have noise-prone areas in your building.


A concrete floor coating may not be as hard as some people think because it does not require a lot of maintenance. You may only need to sweep up any loose dirt or dust from time to time and apply a new sealant to maintain its appearance. If you are worried about removing old stains, you should note that most commercial epoxy floors come with several coats of stain guard that can protect against stains from staining the surface.

Contractor Options

Most epoxy flooring contractors offer a wide range of services. If you are looking to make use of these services in your commercial settings, you should ask whether the company offers these services or whether you will be charged extra for these services. On the other hand, you may also be able to get these services at no additional cost if you were planning to make use of the material on your own.


Of course, it is very important for a surface to remain clean and free of any filth and debris, and this is especially important for a commercial floor. A commercial epoxy flooring contractor can make good use of cleaning and degreasing solutions designed specifically for such purposes. Degreasing solutions will keep a shiny finish on the surface for a long time. Also, some professionals offer maintenance services for a monthly fee.